Move over mama, there’s a new muffin stealing the show! From donuts, cake-loafs, to muffins, this comforting staple will not only satisfy your craving but will take your taste buds to a new level of bliss! Free of grains, soy, dairy, gluten, sugar, and vegan, paleo, and keto-friendly, our delicious muffin mix is a staple must-have!
No weird or obscure ingredients are needed here! Grab those blueberries and simply add your staple, always on-hand, wet ingredients! Easy, healthy, and delicious!
As always our healthy and easy, paleo, keto, and vegan-friendly mixes are free of gluten, grains, dairy, soy, refined sugars, and preservatives!
9 net carbs per muffin
Made in the USA